LuLu's Story
Welcome to LuLu's Sugah Rush
Wow what a journey it has been. It took some push for me to just go for it. I am so grateful I did. I wanted to share with you something that brought me joy.. Candy Candy Candy ...
I remember going to my Aunt house and she would always have something sweet for us. I remember being so excited when my parents said we were going to see her. Now I am a proud TT of 17 neices and nephews I watch them be happy to come to my house because I always have the goodies for them.
I pray you feel my love in every bag. It is not about candy really it's about creating a memory that will last a life time. Of course we know we have to make sure we don't over do it. But my hope is that we remember to create memories with our love ones...
Thank you for joining me on my journey so much more to come..
Hey I cannot forget my inspiration my son... Love you son.. I pray I create the legacy you are proud of.
See you at the POPUP!!!
P.S. Time you cannot get back but memories you hold with you for a life time.